7.11.2007 | 09:35
Hęttur eša ekki?
Žaš skiptir ķ sjįlfu sér engu mįli. Ekki žaš aš mér leišist Meatloaf, heldur hitt aš enginn tónlistarmašur hefur getaš stašiš viš žau stóru orš aš hętta. Bowie hefur lżst žvķ yfir aš hann vęri hęttur, Ray Davies hefur gert žaš, George Michael hefur gert og margir fleiri, allir halda įfram og žaš er gott. Žetta eru listamenn og eiga aš stunda list sķna til žess aš viš getum notiš hennar.
Keep on rockin“ in the free world!
There's colors on the street
Red, white and blue
People shufflin' their feet
People sleepin' in their shoes
But there's a warnin' sign on the road ahead
There's a lot of people sayin' we'd be better off dead
Don't feel like Satan, but I am to them
So I try to forget it, any way I can.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.
I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away, and she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life, and what she's done to it
There's one more kid that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.
We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler,
Machine gun hand
We got department stores and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people, says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
Keep on rockin' in the free world.
-Neil Young-
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.